Thursday, February 17, 2011

DQS 10

Now that I have my obligations taken care of I am working diligently on my Doll Quilt.  It had been sitting there staring at me for several weeks untouched.  I had this idea in my head.  Several ideas melding together.  Of  course my swap partner is the one person that has not commented on anything I have made!!  Always the way for me.  I hope she likes it.  I am trying to incorporate things that she likes.


  1. Wow, Paula! This is gorgeous! If your partner doesn't like it, she doesn't deserve it :) BTW, I did my first 6-minute circle! It took me a lot longer than six minutes, but I think I understand how it works now :)

  2. So glad you tried the circle. It will get faster and easier with practice.
